Student review [56655] for Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Student review [#56655] for Mathematics
at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM

Mexico City, Mexico
11 months ago
Welcome to the jungle

Overall, I understand why it’s considered the best university in Mexico, as it’s obvious that teachers are extremely well prepared, and the subjects are vast and complete, but, classes are pretty overcrowded, which causes teacher’s attention to be something some people just don’t have access to, aside from the library, there’s really not any help students have, no resources, nor people available to help, if you get stuck, or don’t understand a subject, you’re on your own, if you can’t get another student to help, then there’s absolutely no help, it is the law of the jungle, as no one cares what each student does, no one cares if the students take classes, or not, and no one cares for each student, and those who can’t make it on their own, will end up dropping out because there’s no help at all, those who can learn on their own, will get high quality classes, and if they’re lucky, the attention of extremely qualified teachers, but even then, everyone has to struggle with the constant protests that render the school unable to operate, sometimes losing entire semesters to those protests, so all in all, people who already understand the subject, or can afford, or attain, a way to learn outside of college, will succed as they not only get the most complete curriculum, but also a free education, those who can’t dedicate fully to classes, and can’t afford classes outside of school, or get any help at all, will not only struggle, but most likely end up dropping out, or taking many years to get a degree

Programme: Mathematics
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Mexico City, Mexico
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Uriel

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