Student review [68344] for Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Student review [#68344] for Computer Systems Engineering
at Instituto Politécnico Nacional - IPN

Mexico City, Mexico
Computer Systems ...
2 months ago
Kind and old university

I liked my university, I spent 4 and a half years to finish my bachelor’s degree in computer system engineering at Instituto politécnico nacional.

The title is based on my experience, the university has a lot of bachelor’s degrees and a lot of building divided by the field of study.

I think the university is kind because there are alot of options to save your studies if you are not getting good degrees, and even if you need a rest for a year the university is available to take a time off and you don’t lose your place in the university.

For computer science field in my specific university (ESCOM) you can do more activities aside from studies, like robotics club, algorithm club, dance club, art club, improvisation club and more athletic clubs like volleyball, basketball and others.

On the bad side, I think the knowledge the teachers give you are sometimes outdated so, when you finish your studies you may need to learn more in order to get a job (but sometimes here in Mexico is well known that ESCOM student have a very good qualifications to learn and improve the company products). The positive side, is that, they gives you a very good background so it’s easy to learn new technologies.

I totally recommend studying in Instituto politécnico nacional

Programme: Computer Systems Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Mexico City, Mexico
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Mauricio

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