Student review [71162] for Middlesex University Mauritius

Student review [#71162] for Law
at Middlesex University Mauritius - MDX

flic en flac, Mauritius
2 months ago
Agatha Natasha
Agatha Natasha
local job market

During the course of my studies at Middlesex University Mauritius, I’ve had a mixed experience. While the campus has a small but caring community that allows for leisure time and part-time jobs, I’m concerned about the relevance of the modules taught and their applicability to finding jobs in Mauritius. Many of the courses, especially in design and Law, are geared towards the UK job market and may not be as practical for finding employment on the island. As a foreign student, I’ve realized that I’ll likely need to look for jobs elsewhere or return home after graduation, as the skills acquired may not be in high demand locally.
The university does offer a quality British education and has a beautiful new campus. However, more emphasis should be placed on tailoring the curriculum to the Mauritian job market and economy. Internships and career guidance specific to the island would also be beneficial.

Programme: Law
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: flic en flac, Mauritius
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Agatha Natasha

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