Student review [70913] for Middlesex University Mauritius

Student review [#70913] for Business Management
at Middlesex University Mauritius - MDX

flic en flac, Mauritius
Business Management
2 months ago
Student visa segregation

As a student at Middlesex University Mauritius I am from Nigeria and West Africa, the visa segregation is a notable concern. While we receive one-year visas requiring annual renewal, other students enjoy the convenience of three-year visas. This discrepancy creates unnecessary administrative burdens and uncertainty for us, impacting our focus on academics and campus life. The unequal treatment in visa duration affects our sense of stability and hinders long-term planning. Addressing this issue would greatly enhance the overall student experience and ensure fairness for all international students at the university.

Programme: Business Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: flic en flac, Mauritius
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Mafeng

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