Student review [67831] for Middlesex University Mauritius

Student review [#67831] for Psychology
at Middlesex University Mauritius - MDX

flic en flac, Mauritius
3 months ago
updated cirriculum

Studying psychology at Middlesex University Mauritius has been a thrilling experience. The courses are serious, engaging, and taught by knowledgeable professors. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from cognitive psychology to abnormal psychology, providing a comprehensive understanding of the discipline. The university also offers valuable internship opportunities for psychology students, allowing us to gain hands-on experience in various settings and apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. These internships have been instrumental in preparing us for future careers in psychology and building a strong professional network.
Life off campus is equally enriching, with plenty of opportunities for socializing, exploring the local culture, and engaging in community activities. Whether it’s volunteering at local mental health organizations or attending psychology-related events, there are always ways to stay connected to the field and make a positive impact beyond the classroom.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: flic en flac, Mauritius
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Paul

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