Student review [66517] for Middlesex University Mauritius

Student review [#66517] for Law
at Middlesex University Mauritius - MDX

flic en flac, Mauritius
5 months ago
vibrant student life

Middlesex University Mauritius offers a vibrant student life with diverse extracurricular activities and various student societies, fostering a strong sense of community. The faculty is comprised of experienced and knowledgeable educators, adept at delivering rigorous academic programs. The campus boasts modern facilities and state-of-the-art learning spaces designed to enhance the overall student experience. Accommodation options are ample, providing students with comfortable living arrangements conducive to their studies. Overall, Middlesex University Mauritius provides a stimulating environment for personal growth and academic excellence.

Programme: Law
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: flic en flac, Mauritius
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Rose

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