Student review [64066] for Middlesex University Mauritius

Student review [#64066] for BA (hons) Psychology
at Middlesex University Mauritius - MDX

flic en flac, Mauritius
BA (hons) ...
6 months ago
meaningful and impactful connections

I just joined Middlesex university but I can already say that the bond among the Middlesex community is very strong, meaningful and impactful. Students are part of various societies, clubs and teams that work to better the student experience academically, socially and mentally. The university also involves alumni and also invites many differnt companies for networking events and career fairs. Middlesex has a well working employment and student office department that values student’s wellbeing. the faculty are very experienced and teach effectively. the programs offered are not just relevant in the Mauritian skilled work force but also internationally. accommodations come in varied options but are comfortable, and modern although quite expensive if you choose to stay in the same town as the school which is Flic en flac. I do recommend Middlesex university to other students.

Programme: BA (hons) Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: flic en flac, Mauritius
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Namirembe

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