Student review [55271] for Universiti Sains Malaysia

Student review [#55271] for Forensic Science
at Universiti Sains Malaysia

penang, Malaysia
Forensic Science
11 months ago
Great way to learn adapting skills

I genuinely appreciate USM, Kelantan. It is unlike any other university as it is in a very secluded and conservative state within Malaysia. As a uni student, you’d expect to have lots of fun and have exposures to multiple events. Life at USMkk is quiet and peaceful. There are events but they aren’t like any other university. However, you learn to make do with stuff and find happiness in the small things. It helps you to understand the true meaning of friendships and how you can make joy out of nothingness. Thus, I really do recommend USM. It has helped me realize my potential to adapt to situations and new places. The overall environment is great and the courses are worth it. The staff has really been accomodating. There are few downsides, such as the lack of community awareness and help for new students but that gap is slowly being bridged. In my 4 years here, I have seen USMkk grow and I’m sure it’s got a lot left.

Programme: Forensic Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: penang, Malaysia
Career Prospects
Student Life
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