Student review [22164] for Lebanese University

Student review [#22164] for Biology
at Lebanese University

Beirut, Lebanon
17 Mar, 2022
Do not recommend

I did my first year at LU, Biology, did the concour, there was 1 in 10.5 chances that I would be accepted into medicine that is based on student number who did the Medicine concour(even lower chance to get accepted). Most teachers are not good, especially physics, statistics, and most biology course teachers, no offence, but I used to study at least 14hr/day. 30credits/semester was impossible. It is basically equivalent to a full-time job(to watch classes) 2 additional full-time jobs to study the given material. I was 1 in 29 individuals to succeed out of around 160 English Fanar students. Succeed as in got a grade higher than 50/100. If you are a French student you have to get around 95/100 on the concour as a total average if not more to get accepted into faculty of medicine, so just because English students were bad due to mostly bad teachers, the French section has intense competition. It was a delightful experience that I would gladly never repeat again. And thank God, I didn’t get into medical school via Lebanese University because the amount of credits you get taught there is unimaginable. Just trying to help out fellow students. My average there was 70/100 with both physics 50/100, but the rest raised my general average. I was rank 13/160, but no one got into medicine from Fanar except the first student who obtained a 19 /20 grade. So, the chances of approval into medicine that year was 1/160 😂. Hope this helps, I recommend you join AUB, LAU, or fly afar if you are in any way interested in medicine.

Programme: Biology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2028
Career Prospects
Student Life
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