Student review [68573] for Technical University of Kenya

Student review [#68573] for Civil Engineering
at Technical University of Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya
Civil Engineering
2 months ago
My striking balance in the university.

My experience at the Technical University of Kenya has been mixed, with both positive aspects and areas for improvement.
One of the positive aspects of the university is its strong emphasis on technical education and practical skills development. The curriculum is well-designed to provide students with hands-on experience in their chosen fields, preparing them for the demands of the job market. The university’s state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories further enhance the learning experience, allowing students to gain valuable practical knowledge and skills.
However, there have been challenges regarding administrative processes and communication. One recurring issue is the delay in receiving examination results, which often occurs after the completion of an academic year. This delay creates uncertainty and anxiety among students, as they are unable to track their progress or plan their academic schedules effectively. Additionally, the lack of timely feedback hinders students’ ability to address areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to their study strategies.
Another area that needs improvement is the career services offered by the university. While the technical education provided is valuable, there is a need for more support and guidance in terms of career planning and job placement. Students would benefit from access to career counseling, resume building workshops, and networking opportunities to help them transition successfully into the workforce after graduation.
In summary, the Technical University of Kenya offers a valuable technical education experience, but there are areas for improvement, particularly in administrative processes, communication, and career services. Addressing these challenges will contribute to a more positive and effective learning environment for students in the Future.

Programme: Civil Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Nairobi, Kenya
Career Prospects
Student Life
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