Student review [67379] for Makerere University

Student review [#67379] for Information Technology
at Makerere University - MUK

Nairobi, Kenya
Information Technology
4 months ago
An Uphill Battle

While the university boasts a reputable name and promises quality education, the reality for students like me is vastly different. Firstly, the tuition fees at Makerere University are exorbitant, making it almost impossible for students from low-income backgrounds to afford an education. Limited scholarship opportunities further restrict access for the less privileged, forcing many potential students to abandon their dreams of higher education altogether. The university should prioritize providing financial aid and support systems to bridge this socioeconomic gap. Furthermore, the quality of education at Makerere University has been inconsistent. While some professors are knowledgeable and supportive, others lack enthusiasm or teaching skills. The curriculum can feel outdated and detached from real-world applications, leaving students ill-equipped for future careers. Additionally, the heavy emphasis on spoon-feeding students through rote memorization rather than encouraging critical thinking stifles creativity and hinders personal growth. Nonetheless, it remains a great place to study in Uganda

Programme: Information Technology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2013
Campus: Nairobi, Kenya
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Diana

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