Student review [67358] for Makerere University

Student review [#67358] for Computing
at Makerere University - MUK

Nairobi, Kenya
4 months ago
A Local Student's Perspective

Makerere University boasts a long-standing reputation for academic excellence. The faculty members are experts in their fields and provide students with comprehensive knowledge. Makerere University holds an important place in Ugandan history, being the first university established in the country. Its rich legacy and historical significance provide a sense of pride and motivation to succeed for both students and alumni. Attending Makerere University provides students with extensive networking opportunities. However, Large class sizes can sometimes hinder effective interaction between students and professors. Despite its esteemed reputation, Makerere University often struggles with limited resources, including outdated textbooks, insufficient research facilities, and a lack of essential equipment. Given the economic climate and the competitive labor market, Makerere University faces challenges in providing sufficient post-graduation job opportunities. Students must actively seek internships and bolster their job marketability to secure employment upon graduation.

Programme: Computing
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2013
Campus: Nairobi, Kenya
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Martin

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