Student review [65968] for Makerere University

Student review [#65968] for Biotechnology
at Makerere University - MUK

Nairobi, Kenya
5 months ago
Reputable university in East Africa

I decided to study at Makerere University beacuse of it Reputability and legacy in Uganda and in the Region. The University has many different programs for different types of students. There are opportunities for research and collaboration with other government institutions. The faculty are well trained although they are few compared to the very large numbers of students at Makerere university at a given time. this makes learning and support services very difficult to access. nonetheless, the student life at the university is very interesting with lots of parties, concerts, sports and games and community engagements. The university is relatively affordable compared to other private and international universities, however, access to financial aid is still very difficult given that majority of the students in the country still find it quite difficult to afford the tuition cost at Makerere university.

Programme: Biotechnology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Nairobi, Kenya
Career Prospects
Student Life
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