Student review [65648] for Makerere University

Student review [#65648] for BSC Land Economy
at Makerere University - MUK

Nairobi, Kenya
BSC Land ...
5 months ago

Makerere University is excellent in academics that’s a positive perception of the institution’s educational quality, faculty expertise, and learning resources. The favorable assessment of campus life suggests satisfaction with extracurricular activities, social opportunities, and overall student experience. Additionally, the positive evaluation of the location indicates that i find the university’s surroundings appealing, possibly due to its accessibility, safety, or other location-related factors.
The only dislike is sound pollution from nearby business.
I can firmly recommend someone to join it because it’s among the best

Programme: BSC Land Economy
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Nairobi, Kenya
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Turyaija

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