Student review [53280] for University of Technology Jamaica

Student review [#53280] for Mechanical Engineering
at University of Technology Jamaica - UTECH

Kingston, Jamaica
Mechanical Engineering
12 months ago
My experience as a first year.

Right off the bat I knew that I wanted to work with cars and the University of Technology had always been my first choice. However during the enrollment process a number of prospective students include myself faced technical challenges die to the university’s system. That was a huge disappointment for me but I was still excited. As the year progressed I realized that their system has always had faults and they refused to fix them. The customer service from the admin, and medical department were the worst.

Regardless of that, I enjoyed how open-minded and diverse the school’s population was. My faculty ( Faculty of Engineering and Computing) was and is the best. Our student rep was very engaging with all of us, creating new activities such as sip and paint, parties, volleyball and netball tournament between faculties etc. I met a lot of persons throughout the year both lectures and students alike.

I would recommend this school for it’s practical curriculum and it’s diverse population, how inviting everyone is etc. I would give this school a 4/5.

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Kingston, Jamaica
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Tashea

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