Student review [55678] for Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Student review [#55678] for Economic Development and International Cooperation
at Università di Roma Tor Vergata - uniroma2

Rome, Italy
Economic Development ...
and International Cooperation
11 months ago

hile my MESCI experience was great, I believe more depth should be given to empower students in their career life, not only through exposure in Rome, Italy.

First and foremost, I would like to emphasize that my experience with MESCI was overall positive. The program provided me with valuable knowledge and insights into the field of development studies, and I had the opportunity to study in Rome, a vibrant city with a rich history. The curriculum was well-designed and covered a wide range of relevant topics, equipping me with a solid theoretical foundation. However, one aspect that I found lacking in the MESCI program was the emphasis on empowering students in their career life beyond the confines of Rome and Italy. While the exposure to Rome’s cultural heritage and academic resources was undoubtedly beneficial, I believe it is equally important for students to gain practical experience and explore opportunities in different parts of the world.Additionally, the program could benefit from incorporating more career-oriented workshops, mentoring, and networking events. These initiatives would empower students to develop essential professional skills, such as project management, networking, and communication, which are crucial for success in the development sector. Moreover, connecting MESCI graduates with alumni networks and development organizations outside of Italy would expand our horizons and facilitate access to a wider range of career opportunities.while my MESCI experience was great, I believe the program could enhance its impact by placing greater emphasis on empowering students in their career life beyond the exposure offered in Rome, Italy. By incorporating more international experiences, career-oriented workshops, and networking opportunities, MESCI can better equip students to thrive in the dynamic field of development studies and contribute meaningfully to sustainable development efforts worldwide.

Programme: Economic Development and International Cooperation
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Rome, Italy
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