Student review [6063] for Università degli Studi di Padova

Student review [#6063]
at Università degli Studi di Padova

Padova, Italy
26 Mar, 2018
One of the oldest university in the world

The University of Padova is the second oldest university in Italy and can offer a huge number of courses for both humanistic and scientific curricula. In Padova, you can really live inside the university whose buildings are all over the city. It can lead to some problem if you must go from one building to another but usually, you don’t have to.
The courses are usually very strong from the theoretical point of view and the practical activities aren’t so well developed like in most of the Italian universities.
For the engineering courses, you can access three different libraries, one for each department: civil, mechanical and information engineering.
Every year you have four possibilities to pass every exam if you study engineering, or five possibilities if you study in most of the other courses.
Study rooms are usually not a big problem, there are a lot of them even if they are really crowded. Some of them are open until midnight or even later.
For your free time, don’t worry it’s hard to get bored in Padova. There are a lot of bars where you can hang out with your friend to drink something and relax. Venice is also really close to Padova, so in case you can go even there during the weekend.

Campus: Padova, Italy
Reply to @Mattia

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