Student review [57264] for Sigmund Freud University

Student review [#57264] for Psychology
at Sigmund Freud University - SFU

Milano, Italy
10 months ago
A Mixed Bag of Good and Bad

I attended Sigmund Freud University during the academic years 2022-2023, and overall, my experience with the faculty was a mix of highs and lows. One thing that stood out positively was the incredible support and dedication shown by the faculty members. The professors at SFU were genuinely invested in their students’ success and were always willing to help whenever students sought their guidance. They were approachable, knowledgeable, and went above and beyond to assist students in understanding the course material and academic concepts.

However, despite the impressive support from the faculty, I must highlight that the organization at SFU could be improved. The overall system seemed to lack coordination, leading to certain aspects of academic life feeling unorganized. For instance, course schedules and syllabi were sometimes updated at the last minute, causing confusion among students. Additionally, administrative processes, such as course registration and academic advising, could have been smoother and better streamlined.

Moreover, some professors struggled with managing their workload and appeared stressed at times, which impacted their ability to provide a consistent and structured learning environment. This lack of organization affected the overall learning experience and hindered students’ ability to fully engage with the material.

In conclusion, SFU is a place where students can expect a lot of support from faculty members who are passionate about teaching and willing to help. The dedication of the professors is commendable and greatly contributes to the positive learning environment. However, the university could benefit from implementing better organizational strategies to ensure a smoother academic experience for its students. Despite the areas that need improvement, the support and guidance received from the faculty make SFU a worthwhile institution for those seeking a strong support system throughout their academic journey.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Vienna, Austria
Career Prospects
Student Life
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