Student review [54613] for University of Pécs

Student review [#54613] for Bachelor of Biology
at University of Pécs

Pécs, Hungary
Bachelor of ...
12 months ago
Review of BsC in Biology programme so far

I have liked it so far in terms of studies, student life and the classes as well. Improvements I would suggest is that especially in our faculty that events are publicized much better to international students and that teachers’ evaluations must be taken more seriously. The classes are engaging and fun but there are many that can be improved to make it more interesting, and I would also suggest if the timetable could be a bit more flexible as some classes are right after the other with some classes even having weekly exams it becomes somewhat tedious to keep track of all the subjects in the semester. Many lecturers in my two semesters have been really helpful and kind but there are some who have a bit of a negative or over-critical attitude when it comes to exams and classes which puts unnecessary pressure on me and my classmates. The student life here is good with the benefits I get with the student ID and I would highly recommend in general that more outreach and events can be held or hosted that cater to international students as well which can offer more recreational time and can also be educational as well.

Programme: Bachelor of Biology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Pécs, Hungary
Career Prospects
Student Life
June 20, 2023

Hello, I would like to apple for a BsC in Biology in this uni. I will be very thankfull if you can ask some of my questions! Do this uni have special courses in neurobiology or something like this? Are there any perspective for students to do some work in the labarotory of neurobiology?Thanks for your time and consideration:)

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