Student review [11942] for Óbuda University

Student review [#11942] for Electrical Engineering
at Óbuda University - OE

Budapest, Hungary
Electrical Engineering
18 Sep, 2019
Your knowledge depends on you

This is very young university, it was created when institutes decided to became a university. For more weak institutes (faculties from now) it was a great deal, for strongest ones not so. CS and EE faculties were strong and well known, specially EE. The second best in the country. But since university was created it had less and less money, income and became worse in some way. It’s still a strong technical university, some of its faculties still are the second best in the country, but it’s more because universities in Hungary beside capital city’s ones, are not that strong overall.
Good thing, that university still gives you a strong knowledge, good enough to become a good engineer for example. But lots of its exams are week and didn’t ask back the knowledge you’ve learned during your semester. So if you’re kind of a student who wants just a diploma and not a knowledge, you can get it. And that makes bad review about this uni. But if your goal is knowledge, you will get it. Unfortunately it has weak natural science background, but it has very good technical and practical background. Any way, you’ll have to fight with yourself, because sometimes just pass an exam without studying seems as an easy way. But in the long term, I don’t believe it is. It depends on you how you manage it.
Beside knowledge, uni gives good sport opportunities, scholarships, it has English programs, so it’s open for foreign students as well. It has few associations and it becomes more known and better every year, at least from administrative and not knowledge side.
I believe this university is an ok solution to start, but you have to consider cons I described above. Good luck!

Programme: Electrical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2019
Campus: Budapest, Hungary
Career Prospects
Student Life
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