Student review [11941] for Eötvös Loránd University

Student review [#11941] for Computer Science
at Eötvös Loránd University - ELTE

Budapest, Hungary
Computer Science
18 Sep, 2019
Great science opportunities with tons of bureaucracy

One of the oldest and greatest universities of Hungary, always in top lists of Hungarian universities and in 601-800 best universities worldwide.
ELTE has a very strong natural science background and strong recommends to research, specially on Master degree. It has its own pros and cons, for example pros is very strong theoretical knowledge, I believe ELTE and BME gives strongest theoretical knowledge in Hungary. But, on the other hand sometimes student doesn’t have enough practical knowledge so they are a little bit unprepared for the big “adult” world. But in my opinion it’s more advantage, than disadvantage.
ELTE has lots of different opportunities beside studying. Dozens volunteer associations for many needs and wants, both technical and soft-skill, sport opportunities, international awareness, since ELTE has many foreign students.
Unfortunately, ELTE has the biggest number of students in Hungary, and that makes many logistic operations so hard and stupid so it makes you do tons of bureaucracy. You can live with it, but sometimes it’s just pain in the ass.
But for sure, ELTE has much more advantages, so if you’re considering to study here, doesn’t matter what degree, it’s a great opportunity, be sure.

Programme: Computer Science
Degree: Master's
Campus: Budapest, Hungary
Career Prospects
Student Life
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