Student review [13424] for University of Crete

Student review [#13424] for Medicine
at University of Crete - UOC

Rethymno, Greece
27 Jan, 2020
Good academic environment- lack of connection with the industry

I was a medical student at the University of Crete many years ago. I learned a lot of things and I had so many different courses and sessions that I managed to broaden my horizons and found new interests. Attending lectures and labs was quite hard so I needed to do good time management and I didn’t have a very interesting personal life. My professors were well trained and they had great academic excellence but unfortunately, most of them were very bad at teaching or not very approachable so it wasn’t easy to get in touch with them. Nowadays, these things have changed to a great extent due to technology and that is really important. The new campus is outside the city center and there aren’t a lot of food options or accommodation but the new hospital is bigger and better equipped, thus teaching is way better and more interactive. I missed being a student at the University of Crete and I definitely suggest to give it a try.

Programme: Medicine
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 1988
Campus: Heraklion, Greece
Career Prospects
Student Life
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