Student review [8884] for National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Student review [#8884] for Greek Philology & Linguistics
at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - UOA

Athens, Greece
Greek Philology ...
& Linguistics
24 Aug, 2018
Good theoretical basis, lots of problems

I like the university because the level is quite high, a lot of professors are really good and passionate and I believe it helps the students build a good theoretical base for their studies. However, it lacks the practical part which is necessary in linguistics (no assignments whatsoever apart from the thesis which is not obligatory -good luck finding a professor willing to take you-, no phonology/phonetics professor and laboratory, professors often do lessons out of their specialty due to shortages of staff, bad organisation in general). That being said, it is a good university and the professors are generally really good. However without assignments and hands on knowledge, the program is a little bit better than a coursera course.
Apart from that, the building is ugly, old, and most importantly dirty beyond imagination, a lot of stuff is broken since 10 years and nobody cares to fix them- possibly due to lack of funding- and the dean is often understaffed. Also, there is internet only in the library part of the uni. Unfortunately, the library closes quite early (14:00 for linguistics, 18:00 for classics). The level is good , it’s probably one of the best universities in Greece when is comes to knowledge in Greek Philology (the professors are decorated and the students have a good basis), but is also probably the worst when it comes to the state that it’s in. I have the dream that one day it will live up to expectations and be the good university it’s supposed to be.

Programme: Greek Philology & Linguistics
Campus: Athens, Greece
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