Student review [18344] for Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Student review [#18344] for Electrical and Computer Engineering
at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - AUTH

Thessaloniki, Greece
Electrical and ...
Computer Engineering
19 May, 2021
Plenty of room for improvement.

I’m currently in my second year of study in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Programme and have taken 3/4 of my semesters online. For my review, I will focus on my school’s efficiency and ability to maintain the quality of the classes during the pandemic, especially during the past semester.
First and foremost, almost no actions have been taken to allow the students to gain in-lab experience, and there is no sight of doing so, which is quite demotivating and discouraging for young engineers.
Professors have been trying to keep up, however, no real alterations have been applied to neither the course’s syllabus nor the examination methods to make them remote-learning friendly, causing a significant amount of students to either fail a class or pass it without having actually gained knowledge and experience.
Additionally, there have been significant differences between the Student Body and the Administration, causing the latter to adopt questionable, even violent tactics towards the first in order to “restore order” in a very closed campus.
The reason why I’m choosing to focus on the hardships we’ve had to face during the pandemic is that I believe it’s important to have an indicator of an institution’s ability to adjust to various conditions, as flexibility and concurrency become increasingly important for any type of organization that needs to stay up-to-date, especially a university.
Finishing, I’d like to point out that this hasn’t always been the case, as during the first live semester professors were highly motivating, and the university, in general, was thriving, despite the problems with the Administration, that has always been and always will be there. If you’re thinking about attending an AUTh course, definitely wait until the measures have loosened enough to allow for universities to reopen.

Programme: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Thessaloniki, Greece
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