Student review [21167] for Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Student review [#21167] for Chemical Engineering
at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - KNUST

Kumasi, Ghana
Chemical Engineering
09 Feb, 2022
Summary of everything

I really enjoyed the lectures because most of our lecturers were friendly and made the studies so fun, I had some interesting groups for most often group discussions which was very interactive, there were many take-home assignments which always kept us studying and the programme as a whole is very challenging and so day in day out you get to broaden your knowledge on most of the disciplines in the engineering field, our curriculum was structured in such a way that the first two years you would take a general and fundamental engineering course but the other two years are just for specializations in one’s field with trips to some companies to really grasp the industrial aspect of what we learnt.. the school organized most often hall weeks and so socially it was fun, academically too there was workshops organized and health Wise too there was a series of health-related activities to keep everyone active including health walk, first aid basic techniques and the like… In total, I would say my school has really shaped me to actually become what I perceive in life and of course would recommend it to everyone not only in my country but international too though it’s in Africa.. haha … What I didn’t like about my programme or the engineering as a whole was, there was less of a practical sense and more of theoretical aspects and I think the faculty can do something about it to inculcate that most often into the curriculum .. overall my school is the best here in Ghana!

Programme: Chemical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Kumasi, Ghana
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Francis

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