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SRH University Heidelberg Speciality : Management

programme: Business and Administration


2 Student Reviews

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  • Business and ...
    Good educational content, poor management of the university.

    I was an Erasmus student at this university. They suffered a cyber-attack at the beginning of the academic year, which they were not able to fix until about 3 months later. This situation led to being without wifi both in classes and on-campus during that period of time, which made it very difficult for classes to be carried out in a satisfactory manner (much of the content that we should have received we did not receive because of the inability of teachers to access wifi connection).

    In addition to this, if your intention is to stay in the campus residences, be prepared for a lack of communication and many inconveniences on a daily basis.

    However, the professors I have had, I would say that they have a high level, a lot of knowledge and their way of teaching is different, more practical. This makes the theoretical and practical content that you acquire in this university to be of great quality.

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    Programme: Business and Administration
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2022
    Delivery Type: Blended
    Campus: Heidelberg
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    20 Mar, 2022
    Hello, I am an Italian student from Bologna University willing to follow a business and management master's in this university. I read your review as well and as being quite positive, and would like to ask a few more questions.
  • Business and ...
    Nothing good at this University. I do not recommend

    1. The quality of the education received by the self-proclaimed “university” is sub-par at best. Roughly half of the professors either respond extremely late to emails (more than one week), or never respond at all.

    2. The financial (i.e. “Controlling Office”) is quite rude to students. It is clear that while the university’s administration is completely unorganized, unhelpful, and rude, the financial office is consistently money hungry, and will never fail to demand their fees.

    3. The Examination Office has two key employees. While the German woman was somewhat helpful, one of the male employees (in charge of the International Management Master’s Examination Protocol) is completely unorganized and quite rude with students. Grades on my campusnet account have been left blank for over 6 months, and still no response from the office. EDIT 6.7.18: Name of employee has been removed after the employee issued insults/threats via email this morning.

    4. The level (or lack thereof) of English proficiency is also quite alarming among most staff members. While I understand we are in Germany, and thus, German is the dominant language of the country, if I am paying 700 euros a month (plus other fees) and am enrolled in a program that is directed towards English-speakers, I expect that the level of English used by staff would be significantly higher. When I send emails, for example, many professors or staff simply do not understand my level of English (and I make sure to keep the sentences “short and sweet.”)

    Overall, I would not recommend this university to anyone. My suspicions are that many of the positive reviews have either been falsified or solicited by SRH employees directly. If you search online, you will find a helpful negative YELP review as well as a blog detailed an ex-SRH student struggles (and how he was sued by the university for approximately 10,000 Euros for leaving from the university after trying numerous times to improve his course).

    The academics are pretty easy; grading regulations are unclear (a peer of mine went to confront his Project Development professor regarding a failed mark received on his final, and the professor refused to answer why such a mark was given). Overall, I do not feel challenged at this university, and most of my daily stress derives not from my academic work, but from dealing with such a dysfunctional university.

    TLDR: Don’t waste your money. Overpriced. Rude employees (not all; you will find a few decent employees here) and unsatisfied employees that even joke about the lack of superiority of the university itself. As an American student, I can state that while our colleges are quite expensive, the quality far outshines German universities. Just pick a public university, pay your 300 Euro fee for a semester, and get that piece of paper. But please, save your money and sanity, and DO NOT enroll in SRH Berlin (or any of its affiliate branches).

    UPDATE: I had submitted my Master’s Thesis Proposal on May 17th-18th, 2018. Today, at 17:25, I receive an email that it still needs to be approved. I am never given the names of the officials who approve these documents, no explanations, etc. YET I am threatened with exmatriculation (like other students) over fees? WHY AM I PAYING YOU? I am doing my best to warn other students of this SCAM SCHOOL. They pay for excellent marketing and legal team, but they cannot and refuse to help their students; only suck them financial dry.

    NOTE: All of these claims can be backed up via email history, other students’ reviews, and other forms of verification. I have helped a few students thus far, and hope to dissuade future incoming students.

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    Programme: Business and Administration
    Degree: Master's
    Campus: Heidelberg
    Career Prospects
    Student Life
    24 Aug, 2020
    Hey im from south africa . Will the german language be a big problem ? Do they teach in German?

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