Student review [9850] for Sciences Po

Student review [#9850] for Politics and International Relations
at Sciences Po

Paris, France
Politics and ...
International Relations
08 Feb, 2019
Incredible location, few facilities

SciencesPo Campus de Menton is set in an incredible location, and from the library window, we have a phenomenal view of the sea. Sunshine, sea and lemons, our life is filled with so much idealistic beauty it feels wrong to criticise the less appealing features of our student life. This campus has the name and prestige of SciencesPo Paris, but we do not have the same facilities nor opportunities as we are so far away and often are the last to benefit from the programs and resources the big university has. Our campus is the Middle Eastern focused campus where have lectures on Arab Islamic Civilisation, Arabic/Turkish/Persian classes, and a focus on politics within the MENA region. We have four hour lectures because most of our professors have to fly in from Paris or London, and if you have not sat through a four hour lecture yet, it is not an experience you would want to have. Sometimes professors for certain courses are so hard to find because on the French Riviera, everyone is retired or rich and living their best lives. However, having said that, sometimes we have incredible professors that have been cited in various Middle Eastern books and texts with an amazing reputation and also engaging material. So we get the best of both worlds- sometimes terrible teachers that are not qualified for a SciencesPo position which we find often in the French language department, and sometimes we get incredible professors flying in from Paris or London.

Programme: Politics and International Relations
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2020
Campus: Menton, France
Career Prospects
Student Life
July 9, 2019

hello, thanks for your review, can i ask you why the rating of accommodation is only 2 stars? i find a great difficulty in finding a suitable housing for my daughter. so what are your advise concerning this matter. thanks in advance

Reply to @Student

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