Student review [14584] for IESEG School of Management

Student review [#14584] for Management
at IESEG School of Management

Paris, France
06 Apr, 2020
A multicultural school

This school put forward cultural diversity. During the first year you even have a course on it. You also need to do at least one semester of study in a foreign university as an exchange student and 6 months of internship in a foreign country in order to have your diploma.
You also have to do activities which are mandatories with international students.
Finally, 82% of the professors are not French and there are 2600 international students in the two campus who represent more than 100 nationalities.
All of these aspects allow you to improve your cultural knowledge and intelligence.
Now, I am personally more confident than before when I meet international people as I understand better their culture and way of living.

Programme: Management
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Paris, France
Career Prospects
Student Life
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