Student review [2456] for Aix-Marseille Université

Student review [#2456] for Organic Chemistry
at Aix-Marseille Université - AMU

Marseille, France
Organic Chemistry
05 Aug, 2017
Could do a lot better

I studied there for 4 years. The undergrad years were easier than the first year of my master’s. The problem with this university is the “theoretical” aspect: we don’t get to practice what we learn that much. And that is a major problem when applying for a training program or when trying to look for a job afterward. Some found it even harder to go into engineering programs due to our lack of lab work. I studied biology (for my bachelor) and then specialized in organic chemistry (for my master’s). I think the university could do much better concerning the scientific side of its program. Marseille is well known to have one of the best management and marketing programs but the scientific aspect is really not taken care of.
As for the city, it is “pleasant”. A little bit expensive for what it is but there’s a lot to do there.

Programme: Organic Chemistry
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Marseille, France
Reply to @Corona

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