Student review [49959] for Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Student review [#49959] for Chemical Engineering
at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University - AASTU

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Chemical Engineering
23 Mar, 2023
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Review of Addis Ababa Science and technology university (AASTU):-
Reviews on placement :
AASTU provides better dormitory facilities when compared to many other universities in the country. One dorm is given for four students with enough space which doesn’t make students lose much of their privacy and comfort, but it is not perfect it is just a comparison between the rest of the universities in Ethiopia. Where the infrastructure of the university is not built yet. The classrooms are very small in size and not enough to serve beyond 30 students but in one class there is one average of 40 to 50 students.
The library:- The university’s libraries are two types manual and digital but there are only two libraries for more than 7000 students, the good part is both are open 24 hours except that there is a holy day and it is not open only on Sunday night. Providing library service effectively has a great impact on student’s academic performance.
About getting healthy foods and drinks:- students can get healthy foods at fair and affordable prices for the majority of students. For those who cannot spend any penny to buy food university has its own cafe to provide it, but there is always a complaint because it’s wasn’t healthy for many of us.
AASTU lecturer’s:- .most lecturers are PhD holders and others are MSC, some are professors who mostly come from India, the teaching-learning process depends on the course and lecturer, it sometimes gets easy and but most of the time it is challenging, why because there isn’t enough class to do practices, to support theory with practical lessons to help us to understand it more.
The unique thing about this university is that students need to retake the university’s entrance exam after they passed National Exam, no other universities in the country put such requirements, it is the only requirement to join AASTU and Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU). So, students , who joined the two universities are highly competitive.
I do recommend it for Ethiopian students
Because it is better than many other universities it keeps the Peace and security of students than regional universities.

Programme: Chemical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Mahlet

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