Student review [36194] for Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Student review [#36194] for Civil Engineering
at Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport - AASTMT

Cairo, Egypt
Civil Engineering
31 Oct, 2022
The Ability to adapt

I think that my university was able to provide quite a unique experience, especially given the fact that -compared to other high-ranking universities in the region- it was able to provide quality education at a reasonable price point. As well as strive for constant improvement in terms of staff training, equipment, and educational methods, something that’s rarely found in most higher-education institutions in the country.

As for what I dislike about the institution, that would be the amount of pressure placed on students to provide the necessary performance, giving little to no room for innovation, critical thinking or individual projects and complex conversations, as much as we were provided with countless events in relation to scientific research and entrepreneurship, students would have to consider the significant sacrifice needed to attend any out of curriculum activities, resulting in little to no attention to those events for most students, while those who choose to make the sacrifice and attend, suffer severe pressure.

overall, I’d recommend the academy to fellow fresh grad high-schoolers, as I believe in its ability to adapt as an institution and evolve into something much greater.
I believe that the academy would continue to advance its education system and eventually learn to embrace critical thinking as much as academic performance.

Programme: Civil Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Cairo, Egypt
Career Prospects
Student Life
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