Student review [5364] for VIA University College

Student review [#5364] for Civil Engineering
at VIA University College - VIA

Horsens, Denmark
Civil Engineering
06 Feb, 2018
VIA UC Campus Horsens Civil Engineering

When people ask me about my opinion in studying Civil Engineering in VIA I always say that it is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Starting from the education itself. The programme is practice-based and real-life oriented. The teaching is presented in a really comfortable manner and it reminds me a bit of high school. The teachers are friendly and always ready to help. Given the fact that there are no university fees I would personally rate VIA 4/5 (-1 for things like the study administration not able to get their work fully done sometimes).

The social life is on a good level (based on how ready you are to meet new people). There are a lot of clubs financed by the University and taking part in some of them increases a lot your chances to find new friends, get invited to parties etc.

Denmark spends generous amounts of money for their education and it seems to be working really good. Recently the Danish government decided to cut the number of the international students because of the fact that they leave Denmark after their education, which from their perspective seems like a reasonable decision. So if you are hesitating to apply or not, I would suggest you do it straight away, you won’t regret it.

I am an ambassador and my current job is to help new students so if you have questions or would like to know more you can contact me

Programme: Civil Engineering
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Horsens, Denmark
Reply to @Boris

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