Student review [54360] for University of Toronto

Student review [#54360] for Life Science
at University of Toronto - UofT

Toronto, Canada
Life Science
12 months ago
Four years of Opportunity

The University of Toronto definitely has a reputation of being a very academically oriented school, which it is, however, not a lot of people realize how many opportunities this school has to offer. There are so many research opportunities, clubs, sports, etc, for students to get involved in. For example, every year before the summer you can apply to many research and volunteer job postings offered by the university and outside the university, on a website the school has. This, along with the hundreds of clubs offered make meeting people actually really easy. As someone who has nervous about meeting new people, joining many clubs was a big help. Also, the overall atmosphere of the school is really motivating, everyone works really hard which at times can make you feel pressured as there defiantly is a huge workload. Overall I would say this school offers lots of opportunities, can feel academically challenging at times, the professors and fellow students are usually really nice.

Programme: Life Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Toronto, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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