Student review [53492] for University of Toronto

Student review [#53492] for Commerce
at University of Toronto - UofT

Toronto, Canada
12 months ago
My Rotman Commerce Experience so far:

When I first came to UofT, I tried to mentally prepare myself for the rigorous ,”soul crushing” academic experience that everyone on the internet tried to warn me about. As a recently accepted student, I would often scroll on the UofT reddit page, where hundreds of people told countless stories of depression and “UofTears” and their horrible experiences, and it honestly did scare me to death. But contrary to popular belief, UofT was the best thing that ever happened to me. Surprising right? The main thing I’ve learned through this experience is that university is truly what you make of it, and your mindset affects everything about your experience and your life on a whole. Yes, I found the work to be academically rigorous, but I chose to view it as something stimulating and beneficial to me in the long run. First semester was a rough transition, and my grades dropped sharply from what they were in high school, but in second semester I started to get the hang of things and brought my grades back up a bit. The bottom line is, it’s not impossible to succeed academically at a university like UofT. The work will be hard, but you end up learning some valuable lessons about determination, time management and balance. I went in with a mindset where I wanted to find my community, and I ended up finding the best group of friends I could ever ask for. It’s important to do things outside of studying, or else it is very easy to get burnt out here. In conclusion, university is 100% what you put into it. There are tons of negative people around, especially on the internet, but it’s important to ignore that and stay focused on what you want out of the experience, and then the people who align with you will eventually gravitate towards you.

Programme: Commerce
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Toronto, Canada
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