Student review [51421] for University of Toronto

Student review [#51421] for Psychology
at University of Toronto - UofT

Toronto, Canada
26 Apr, 2023
Dealing with the demands of the UofT

During my research in grade 12 about prospective universities, my main focus was on the University of Toronto, and how their students succeeded in the school. I was met with many negative reviews saying that I should not go there for my undergraduate degree and that it was very hard for no reason. Taking these reviews into consideration, I still picked the University of Toronto as it had most things that I was looking for at the time, even though it was hard. Upon entering the university, I found that it was not as hard as people on the internet made it seem. I believe a large portion of why people rated the University badly was because the school demanded that you do a lot of work. By this, I mean that I had a lot of assignments per week, but they were not necessarily hard. The frequency of work paired with the new and exciting university environment was hard to balance and people were often found sinking in a deep hole of their own making. I learned that to succeed in this school, time management was key. One needs to be able to balance both school and social life to make sure that they are attending to both at the right time. I did this with the help of Excel in organizing my assignments, and Google Calendar to have a visual representation of the work I had to do and when I had to do it. In conclusion, to be able to handle U of T, you need to stay on top of your time and know how to organize both your school and social lives to make sure they work together in unison.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Bachelor's
Campus: Mississauga, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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