Student review [51155] for University of Toronto

Student review [#51155] for Political Science
at University of Toronto - UofT

Toronto, Canada
Political Science
21 Apr, 2023
University of Toronto? Or U of Tears?

The University of Toronto is known as the top school in Canada and one of the top schools in the world too. It is renowned for its research facilities, many academic resources and for housing some of the brightest minds in many industries. The St.George campus is magnificent with its beautiful architecture and convenient location.

Despite all of these wonderful attributes, attending the university can be extremely challenging. As a commuter, I found it hard to make friends and find my community. The large class sizes can be difficult to navigate, and connecting with TAs and professors can prove a challenge. Your grades may be several percent lower than you thought you should receive, and attempting to contest an essay grade or any other academic matter may be complicated and long-winded.

Accessing mental health support or accommodations for any kind of disability can have extremely long wait times. Professors may not accommodate any accessibility needs until the paperwork has gone through, which can take months.

In short, it takes a very specific type of person to be able to attend UofT and enjoy it. I was not one of them, and my experiences on campus were unpleasant. I would mostly recommend the university for graduate students or above or undergrads that could survive the challenge.

Programme: Political Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Toronto, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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