Student review [47162] for University of Toronto

Student review [#47162] for Economics
at University of Toronto - UofT

Toronto, Canada
07 Jan, 2023
The Academic Rigor in UofT

It heavily depends on stream/program. One thing U of T does differently than most universities is that we have to apply to get into our majors, and for some of the really interesting ones (esp. in life and computer sciences), the cutoffs are high and they only accept a small number. It makes for a very stressful first year or two. Additionally, there is some evidence that it is harder to maintain a solid GPA, because the university has higher admission standards than most (if not all) Canadian universities, but produces lower GPAs than most. For people aiming for grad school/med school/law school, this can make life a lot more stressful. It is extremely important for you to do meticulous research on what stream you want to get into so you can plan ahead if you are not able to get into your first choice of program of study (POSt). Though, I still have much to learn about the university as I am still a freshman but based on my experience so far, I have learnt so much on managing my stress, time, social life and studies.

Programme: Economics
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Toronto, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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