Student review [27242] for University of Toronto

Student review [#27242] for Biochemistry
at University of Toronto - UofT

Toronto, Canada
13 Jun, 2022
Only good for academia

Everyone knows that UofT is a prestigious school, also known for its academic rigour. It is very hard for instructors to give students the support they need, especially in first and second-year classes. So far, I have experienced more upward curving than downwards, but this does not mean the courses are easy to pass. You have to be very proactive in your studying, as life sciences require a lot of memorization.

The good part about this school is the number of research opportunities available. If you go looking for it, you will likely be able to work in a lab with a renowned professor. This is great if you are considering research as a possible career path. I personally have very much enjoyed being surrounded by so much research and innovation around campus.

Student life is there if you actively seek for them. Some colleges differ from one another in terms of student involvement. I am in Woodsworth college, and there does not seem to be as strong of a community compared to Innis or Victoria college. A lot of clubs begin to die out during the school year as everyone becomes overwhelmed with school. However, there are many events and seminars available to students if you know where to find them.

In short, you have to work hard to get good grades and maintain a good student life. Definitely get ready for some stress, but at least the campus is beautiful. 🙂

Programme: Biochemistry
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Toronto, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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