Student review [70099] for University of British Columbia

Student review [#70099] for Mechanical Engineer
at University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada
Mechanical Engineer
1 month ago

I was there as an exchange student from Europe, attending classes at Sauder Business School and the Mechanical Engineering Department. Studying at UBC is definitely a mixed bag in terms of the quality of education.

I did have a few great professors who held wonderfully challenging and well-thought-out classes, making me feel that UBC punches above its weight in terms of educational quality.

However, some other lectures were undoubtedly subpar. Grading seemed quite arbitrary at times (moving goalposts seems to be a recurring theme at UBC), and the lectures were not nearly as good as they should have been, in my opinion. It is quite fair to say that other exchange students and I were often shocked that UBC allows these courses to occur annually without making efforts to improve them.

At UBC as a whole, less is expected from students than at my home university. I’ve seen people never show up to class and hold presentations that would never fly at my home uni. Professors seems to welcome all questions even if they are about things a fourth-year engineering student just months before graduation needs to know. I am not sure if UBC ensures that its graduates are adequately educated, and would definitely think twice if I was a recruiter and had to hire someone who attented there.

From what I have seen, I would tentatively recommend Sauder Business School.

For Mechanical Engineering (and probably also Electrical and Civil Engineering), UBC is simply too small, offering a lack of choices and not many lectures; usually, only introductory courses are offered for most topics. I recommend attending a more engineering/science-focused university, such as Waterloo or others in the US or Europe.

It is quite astonishing how much money people pay to attend these subpar classes.

Enjoyed having a beach on campus.

Programme: Mechanical Engineer
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Vancouver, Canada
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