Student review [27453] for University of British Columbia

Student review [#27453] for Urban Forestry
at University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada
Urban Forestry
15 Jun, 2022
Study at the most beautiful campus.

I majored in Urban Forestry as an undergraduate, and this program is one of the younger programs under the UBC Faculty of Forestry. Nevertheless, it has a strong faculty background. Some of the foundation classes in the first and second years are usually large classes, mostly with 70 to 200 students. However, the more specialized courses in the third and fourth years are taught in small classes, usually with only about 40 students. For the most part, the forestry classes are very interesting and give students plenty of opportunity to practice outdoors. UBC definitely deserves to be recommended to others for its use of the campus and Pacific Spirit Park as an outdoor classroom to learn about plant classification, soil environment, etc. The campus is also a very pleasant and convenient place for students to live. The dormitory buildings are usually connected to the cafeteria, which usually offers a variety of food to meet the needs of students from different countries. The campus is equipped with a gymnasium, a swimming pool and a stadium for students to use. It is a QS world ranked university with international students from all over the world, where you can make friends with people from different countries and experience different cultures. As a school that borrows from First Nations land, UBC also has a great respect for First Nations culture.

Programme: Urban Forestry
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Vancouver, Canada
Career Prospects
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