Student review [50501] for University of Alberta

Student review [#50501] for Engineering
at University of Alberta

Edmonton, Canada
07 Apr, 2023
Mostly good

I am a 4th year computer engineering student so this review will be in that light.

The campus is great at the university of Alberta. There are numerous events, people are generally pretty nice and there are multiple extra curricular activities and clubs.

The courses are pretty interesting too, however many of the content-heavy courses are poorly executed. There is poor structure in courses such as CMPUT 301 which involves learning good programming practices and learning android studios. The class teaches you about one thing, but the labs rush through the material you need to actually do the major project. This is even worse in courses like ECE 422. The course has nothing to do with he lab, and the labs are large projects worth 20% of your grade and they expect you to learn everything on your own.

These two classes are more extreme cases of poor class structure but the courses overall are generally pretty good. However if you’re interested in cyber security, there arent many options to pick from. There are at most 1-2 classes somewhat related to the field.

Programme: Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Edmonton, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
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