Student review [26553] for Sheridan College

Student review [#26553] for Architecture Design
at Sheridan College

Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Architecture Design
04 Jun, 2022
Engaging Experience form beggining to end

Going into one of the most difficult diplomas there is, you have ideas and thoughts regarding difficulty, ” is this worth my time here?”, ” am I sure I will like this? Moreover is this what I want to do as a professional?”. These thoughts invaded my mind prior to going to Sheridan College as an international student from Ecuador. It was terrifying just thinking of all the conceptual information and technical skills I would have to learn, develop, and master, however after two long years of hard work, dedication and endless hours of me, my computer, and long nights I can happily say it has been worth it. The program was very good, from start to finish I really went through different stages of learning and understanding, from knowing nothing and spending over 30 hours just learning how to use the basic programs and applications to creating a fully animated portfolio and submitting it for formal job applications. The teachers most of the time were genuinely devoted to teaching us, each semester even though most of the classes were online they did the best with what they could. I do believe that they didn’t reach their full potential as tutors for me and the other students, but it was still a very pleasant and outstanding experience, the assignments, quizzes, and group assignments were very diverse and engaging. Most of them were made as projects weekly, daily, and even monthly and as we made progress the teacher gave us feedback that was used as the most important tool through my diploma to improve my skillset. On a side note, it was stressful to have most of my second year virtually and even more to see that other programs were in person, this was something that I must recall as at the beginning a lot of the classes were in person and my performance was good, it wasn’t that my grades dropped but just having the teacher right there to answer any questions was just so important. I just hope for the upcoming students the college could make the program stick out to be fully in person to offer quality classes that I have experienced. Anyways another great aspect I must mention is off-campus support. I can’t recall how many times I sign up for a tutor to help me understand certain topics or assignments that required more time. Workshops, personal tutors, and extra classes are for anyone’s reach and I would strongly suggest every student go for it. On the other hand, student life in this program is pretty much non-existent. The difficulty is high and because of the timespan of this program, it demands and requires dedication and complete focus, like I mentioned before the assignments really made me spend hours and hours just sitting and typing for hours, rendering, animation, and mathematical calculus to fully complete a project or weekly assignment. Extended hours of studying and going over and over the lectures, so, therefore, you’re not going to have much time left to go outside or just hang around, I’m not saying it’s not possible, but it won’t be often. There were a lot of people that I got to meet and become friends with, people from Latin America, Italy and of course one or another Canadian, my teachers ranged from Canada, India and even Egypt, so yes there was a lot of diversity in this program. In my opinion, if you’re considering taking this course for its academic content you will have a very good learning experience both as an international and domestic student. The teachers, degree of difficulty and assignments are really engaging and appropriate for such a complex program.

Programme: Architecture Design
Degree: Short Course
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Mississauga, Canada
Career Prospects
Student Life
Reply to @Eduardo

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