Student review [25785] for Sheridan College

Student review [#25785] for Business and Administration
at Sheridan College

Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Business and ...
23 May, 2022
Life and experience as a Sheridan Student

In my time as an international Sheridan student, there was a mixed bag of things that I really like as well as things that didn’t however I got to say that when you come to Canada leaving behind your family and friends looking for something better and new there are certain expectations that you may well have that were not filled by the college. Just to give a quick background information, I am enrolled in the Bachelor of business administration in marketing, one of the most common majors to be in. I was looking forward to a good program with teachers that were given in to teach the best they could in the conditions they were, however, this was only achieved partially, and it was dependent on the kindness of teachers I had in each semester. At times the classes were slow and I wasn’t engaged at all, same thing with my assignments and team projects where everything felt very inorganic in the sense that I wasn’t feeling like my knowledge was increasing. On the other hand, when I had teachers who were focused in doing their best wherever in person or remotely my experience was completely different. Classes were interesting, active, and very organic, I had remarkable experiences where I did felt like a college student in an active environment despite the remote conditions. Projects and final assignments were fun, challenging and very creative, characteristics that were appreciated but like I said this wasn’t the case throughout my 2 semesters. Another aspect that I didn’t like in my program was that I was expecting to have a little more student diversity, I was expecting to meet other international students from Europe, Latin America, or just local Canadians, but this wasn’t the case as well. 95% of my classes were filled by people from India and the middle east, the problem with this is that they never interacted with me and I had a feeling of being outcasted and as someone who wanted to make more friends and was open to talk and socialize, honestly this was a major hit to what i was hoping for at Sheridan College and it may be as well for other upcoming students Furthermore it must be mentioned that when classes were in person at my respective campus (HMC) the environment and atmosphere changes. What I mean by this is that when you step in you have this feeling of being a grown-up walking on the right direction. The facility is very colorful, has personality and is located in a really good position as it is nearby malls, restaurants, and places where it is easy to socialize or just wonder around even thought at first sight the campus may look like a corporate building. On the other hand, even though HMC is a good facility with distinguished traits it can’t be said the same for the Davis campus and the residence I was living in. The Davis campus is located in Brampton, a city was once again 95% of its population is from the India and middle east, you don’t get the feeling of being in the country you are and it just feels different, maybe it’s just me because i am from Ecuador a country in Latin America and once again I was expecting more diversity, but it still feels odd. However, the main issue with this campus was the residence and were I was living in. It was supposed to be the main place to meet people, interact with them and make it feel like a college residence; it was not. For most of the time it feels like a hotel rather than a residence. Interaction with other students was very unusual, and they were very restricted when it comes to talking or interacting with others. A casual talk in the elevator or at the gym but that was it, it’s like they just don’t want to make effort to be friends. One important detail that I noticed is that unless you are on one of the main majors (music, movie/theater or athletics) you may have a hard time making friends as a lot of people here already have their own groups of friends and it was really hard for me to meet and make friends. There were also several “events” organized by the college student union or SSU; but this was honestly a major letdown, most of this events were virtual and they weren’t very appealing, things such as playing games such as among us or interactive games, painting or crafting certain stuff. This may be appealing for a selective group but for the vast majority I do not think it wasn’t appealing at all. A couple in person events from time to time like a visit to an amusement park, one of the major venues in Toronto and a party they made at the end of the winter semester but besides that the events weren’t that great and often. In contrast the residence did have outstanding things such as their staff which were amazing and always there for helping in any need at any hour, very friendly and they made me feel welcomed from day one. The rooms were decent, spacious (for a student) and pack with all the basic needs you may need. In addition, the residence also had “lounges”. This were specific rooms open to students who could make an appointment to use them during the day, there was a movie lounge, a gaming lounge to play billiard and ping pong as well as a study lounge; all great additions to the place where I was living in. In conclusion, my experience at Sheridan college has been “ok” it hasn’t achieved my expectations precisely but it hasn’t been a bad experience either, there are some good things that it offers and some classes had been really interesting and of great quality and content, In my opinion, this may or maybe your college depending on what are your expectations and what you are looking for if you want a good education without much emphasis on other aspects such as your social life, interacting and having a good and genuine collegiate experience you may like it. On the other hand, if you’re an international student who wants to start over, make friends and have interesting classes you may have to wait until most of the classes return to in personal status and restrictions are lifted so interactions could be more often and organic otherwise is up in the air and you will have a mixed experience.

Programme: Business and Administration
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2024
Campus: Mississauga, Canada
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