Student review [21752] for KU Leuven

Student review [#21752] for Law
at KU Leuven

Leuven, Belgium
28 Feb, 2022
Professionalism and caring about the students

I am currently following a transition program in order to obtain my Master’s degree in Law. First of all, I would like to emphasize that I am very satisfied with the track counsellors at KU Leuven. They are people who are always ready to look at how your academic year is going or where there are problems. You also get an answer from them super fast. In addition, the student services department is very easy to reach and you can quickly go with your questions to the right person within the department.

As for the classes and the professors, I can’t say anything but positive. Within my direction, you have a lot of theory that you have to process, but because of the good classes, you really learn the theory by looking at examples of practice in the classes.

KU Leuven is a university where all backgrounds can study since they offer many of their courses in English. You also notice that there is a lot of presence of international students in Leuven.

As for my future prospects, I am almost certain that my law degree from KU Leuven will give me a very good basis to work as a lawyer within a company. This is because the theory but also the practice of law is very broadly covered.

Programme: Law
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Leuven, Belgium
Career Prospects
Student Life
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