Student review [21078] for The Free University of Brussels

Student review [#21078] for Social Sciences
at The Free University of Brussels - VUB

Brussels, Belgium
Social Sciences
05 Feb, 2022
Studying social sciences at the vub

The facilities at the VUB (Vrije Universiteit of Brussels) are very good, there is a gym (basic fit), track field and swimming pool on campus. As a student, you get a 50% discount in the gym. There is accommodation for a relatively cheap price on campus but you have to apply early if you want to have a chance. They clean the dorms once a week. The amount of people you share a dorm with depends on what kind of dorm you are in. It can range from 6 to 12 people. There is also a supermarket across campus. One of the things I do not like at the university is their communication, they communicate a lot of things very late or not at all and sometimes you even hear things through the media. The international community is quite big up to the point they have their own student organization. There are a lot of student organizations but most of them cater to Dutch-speaking students. A lot of people around me and I feel like there is this big divide between international students and local students, but there are so many international students that if you don’t think about it you will not notice it. The Bachelor of Social Sciences is a relatively new bachelor so the university and teachers are still changing a lot of things every year to see what works and whatnot. Mind you that it is a dual bachelor and the classes in the 3rd year will be held mainly in Ghent which is about an hour and a half from the campus in Brussel. I like that the bachelor is about 3 disciplines: political sciences, communication sciences and sociology. I didn’t have to make a choice at the beginning so I really got to find out which discipline was more my thing.

Programme: Social Sciences
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Brussels, Belgium
Career Prospects
Student Life
February 16, 2022
Phuong Anh
Phuong Anh

Thank you for your very detailed sharing. I would like to ask if you find the curriculum very practical, or too theoretical? Besides, are the professors and people there friendly?

February 16, 2022
Phuong Anh
Phuong Anh

Thank you for your very detailed sharing. I would like to ask if you find the curriculum very practical, or too theoretical? Besides, are the professors and people there friendly? Did you really get much help with your career search?

Reply to @Student

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