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Queensland University of Technology

speciality: Art & Design


What Is an Art and Design Degree?

It is considered that generation Y is the generation with the most creative minds. Thus, millennials tend to express themselves through various forms, such as Art and Design. 

Degrees in Art and Design aim to empower students to use art as a tool for self-expression. This degree is designed to develop visual perception as well as visual literacy. As a result, students gain practical skills in order to turn their imaginative ideas into reality.  

Unlike many programmes, Art and Design courses improve students’ attention to detail, creative thinking, and freedom in the decision-making process. 

Benefits of an Art and Design Degree

Art and Design is a competitive industry. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be equipped with the necessary skills to have higher chances of being employed in this field. 

In general, graduates from this degree have a wide range of employment options once they finish their studies. The advantage of an Art and Design course is that you are highly employable for other industries too – there are numerous courses that would help to develop specialised skills for specific careers. 

Some particular job areas include – apart from being an artist – community worker, fashion designer, graphic designer, illustrator, advertising executive, and multimedia worker. Many Art and Design graduates find themselves using their skills in marketing, media, or even teaching.

Art and Design Degree Structure

Art and Design degrees are part of Bachelor of Art (BA) Degrees. Courses’ structure and length depend on what type of programme you choose to study and the country where you choose to study. Usually, Art and Design courses are a three-year commitment, although there are countries – like the USA – where you need to study for at least four years.

The most remarkable aspect about this degree is that it emphasises the practical knowledge. Courses are often taught in studios, as a form of workshops. Additionally, students are assessed based on their portfolios of work, which may be exhibited to the public.

2 Student Reviews

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  • Creative Industries
    Creative Industries QUT

    QUT is unique in its variety of creative industries and design programs, which was a pull for me. For the most part, I have been lucky enough to be taught by lecturers that are genuinely passionate about their field. I believe that the creative industries staff at QUT really do aim to help students succeed, and try to group people from differing disciplines together to simulate professional practice. Overall, I have learned a lot and made some incredible long-lasting connections with the people in my cohort.

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    Programme: Creative Industries
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2023
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: Brisbane
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  • Film
    Joseph (Joe)
    Are you out of, or in, your mind

    Apart from being snuggled in between a park and the Brisbane River, Gardens Point was always a welcoming campus. It made you feel excited and exciting. Energized and creative.
    Bands at lunch time, great art shows, plays, visiting artists.
    Straight-up and straight-laced people. Laid back, feral, odd people. There were heaps of cool people just cruising around.
    Good music and beer, good conversation. It was a stimulating place that made you glad you were there.
    Academics is what we were there for and most of the lecturers, teachers, tutors were okay to good, and occasionally exceptional.
    We were in the ‘Film School’ though. After the first year most of our classes were either at the Peel Street ‘studio’ or wherever the camera needed to be. The academic staff in West End were decidedly the coolest, especially Wayne Michaels.
    One night I arrived to shoot a short scene for a short film I had written and was attempting to direct.
    Wayne said, “Joe… smoke too much.”
    “No, sir,” I replied. “Just the right amount.”

    Disclaimer: this review in no way endorses the consumption of cool people, creative or radical thinking, alcoholic or illegal substances

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    Programme: Film
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2022
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: Brisbane
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