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University of California San Diego - UCSD

speciality: Psychology


What is a Psychology Degree?


Psychology is the favourite science for students who want to get into the depths of human feelings. This is considered to be the science of mind and behaviour. More specifically, psychology wants to explore the way people think, act, and feel, by appealing to the emotional side of people.

Passion can lead students to choose this specialisation. It is not considered a difficult one, but it is not very easy to approach, as the theoretical elements of the discipline are combined with the practical ones.

After studying Psychology, students choose to specialise in a particular sub-field. Depending on their preference, they can choose between Biological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Comparative Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology and many others.

Benefits of a Psychology Degree

Psychology is a great opportunity to get to know each other better and to get to know others. Thus, students who are looking to understanding human behaviour, feelings and mind gain an inside vision of what these notions really mean and what determines people to make certain decisions and act under different circumstances.

The employment rate among Psychology graduates has grown in recent years. Salaries are satisfactory, and young people can focus either on psychological services in schools, hospitals, treatment centres, clinics, depending on the specialisation chosen. Furthermore, Psychology graduates can integrate a career in social media, marketing, and advertising, as they understand best the reasons why people choose to make decisions according to what they see in real life.

Psychology Degree Structure

In the four years of Bachelor studies, graduates acquire the necessary knowledge to practice Psychology, initially learning the underlying theoretical notions. These notions become an important starting point in their career, seeing later how practice blends very well with theory. It should be noted that on the labour market, students who hold a Bachelor’s degree are much more appreciated and have an advantage over those who follow simple courses.

A Master’s program usually lasts between 2 and 3 years, coming as a complement to the Bachelor’s courses. Master courses have a much more loaded curriculum and a great deal of information. A Doctoral program is dedicated to students who want to do research in Psychology in various institutes or to become teachers. This has a duration of between 5 and 7 years.

1 Student Reviews

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  • Psychology
    Academic Persistence

    I enjoyed attending UCSD as a transfer student, I feel there could be some changes to make the experience more positive. The school has many programs to include minority students, which is appreciated. Overall it just did not feel like a a true college experience, but I personally could have been more involved in school activities.

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    Programme: Psychology
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2023
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: San Diego, California
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