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University of York Speciality : Economics

programme: Economics


Are you looking for a professionally organized programme that could help you improve your qualifications and get the job of your dreams? Which option should you choose to invest money wisely, and how can you know whether given courses are the right fit for you? Now, making a decision is easier than ever.

Which Economics programme to choose?

Are you looking for effective ways to climb up the career ladder? If so, think about participating in Economics programmes that can help you improve your qualifications, expand skills and prepare you for tackling job responsibilities.

We live in the times when it’s possible to learn and work while sitting comfortably in your armchair. It’s an ideal opportunity to pursue your dream career and get a well-paid job. Benefit from a wide range of available online and on-campus programmes and courses like Economics. Now, you can get internationally recognized qualifications, even if you live in the other corner of the world, or work full-time.

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2 Student Reviews

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  • Economics
    Excellent teaching and research system

    As a student at University of York, I feel proud and honored to be a part of Russell group University. It has excellent and very professional teaching methodologies, professors are very approachable and highly intellectual. Apart from academics University of York offers wide range of Extra – Curricular activities that help in building overall interests and also extended inter-personal relationships.
    And not to forget the extravagant eye-capturing campus thats surrounded by beautiful springs, lakes and ducklings that just make your day!

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    Programme: Economics
    Degree: Master's
    Graduation: 2023
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: York
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  • Economics
    A (somewhat) comprehesive review of the University of York

    I am a Bulgarian student currently in the second year at the University of York. I came to York through clearing after I changed my mind last second and decided against going to the University of Sheffield. As of today, despite some drawbacks, I wouldn´t say I regret this decision.

    First of all, let`s talk about the campus. It´s great! It is a campus-based uni, which means it is not located right in the centre of York, which is sometimes a bit annoying, but that gives it its own unique student vibe. The facilities are great, there are two massive lakes, many geese and ducks and despite some buildings looking like they were taken from a socialist dystopia on the outside, everything just comes together very nicely and the campus is unprecedentedly beautiful. It really has a very unique atmosphere and I would say it makes you more inclined to study. The accommodation is also quite good, apart from its high cost, which is typical of York though. The fact that there are different colleges which have their own life makes it very interesting, as there are different events and competitions happening around campus at all times.

    When it comes to the people I´ve met here, they have all been quite nice and everyone has been very welcoming, which is something very important when you come from a different culture. The nightlife of York, given that it is not such a big city, is quite alright, but even if you don´t like going out and drinking there are plenty of other stuff that´s going on, like the sports competitions between colleges that I mentioned earlier, which I enjoy both watching and taking part in. There are also societies and other stuff as well, of course.

    And last but not least, the quality of education. I would say some of my lecturers could have been better and the fact that there are almost no assignments throughout the year and everything depends on your end-of-year exams is a bit annoying, but still, I would say if you do pay attention in lectures and actually try and study throughout the term and not just before the exams, you will be fine. The material that we learn is a bit hard, but it is interesting and important for the most part.

    To conclude, York is a nice and prestigious university and there is a reason why. If anyone is thinking about coming here, I do recommend it.

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    Programme: Economics
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2021
    Campus: York
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