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London Metropolitan University

speciality: Communication


What is a Communications degree?

Communications is a universal degree, which explores the traditional forms of communication such as verbal, physical, visual and written communication but also extends beyond that to cover mass communication and social media. There are different types of communications degrees depending on the degree level.

Overall, Communications focuses on teaching effective communication through social media, web, print, mass media and verbal communication. However, there are two types of Communications degrees that exist. For instance, a Bachelor of Arts in Communications in the US is focused on preparing students for careers that are connected to writing, marketing, promotions, journalism and public relations. In contrast, Bachelor of Science in Communications is dedicated to the technology used in the science behind modern communication and prepares students for careers in production or sound engineering.

A Communications degree teaches students about how media and communication influences cultures, societies and people’s identities. It involves a significant amount of critical writing and research and covers different disciplines such as journalism, public relations, entertainment production, marketing, event planning and so many more disciplines, which are somehow connected to exchanging information and conveying messages. There are also different specialization options associated with this degree, including political communication, mass media, journalism, health communication, etc.

It is worth noting that a Communications degree has many intersection points with psychology, sociology, linguistics and in some cases politics.

Benefits of a Communications degree

The main benefit of a Communications degree is its universal nature. It applies to almost any subject or professional setting. For example, some of the top careers in the field of Communications include announcers, art directors, editors, broadcast and sound engineering technicians, reporters, correspondents, broadcast analysts, technical writers, writers and authors, interpreters, translators, etc. Therefore, it keeps students’ career options open and doesn’t require them to have a predetermined career path that they want to follow.

Communications degrees prepare students to make an impact from the start of their careers unlike other degrees, which require further training. This is possible thanks to the multitude of professionally accredited degrees in Communications, which develop students’ abilities based on the established standards in the field. Moreover, there are many Communications courses, which offer work placement opportunities that enable students to gain the required professional skills before they have even started their career.

Another benefit associated with Communications degrees is the fact that they develop students’ written and verbal communication skills significantly.

A major advantage of Communications over other degrees is that in most cases there are no prerequisites required to study Communications.


Communications degree structure

The duration of a Communications degree varies depending on the country and degree level. For example, Higher Education Institutions in the UK offer 3-year Bachelor’s courses. In some cases, the course may extend to four years if students are given the opportunity to spend a year abroad or in industry between the second and third year through a sandwich course. Bachelor’s degrees in Communications in the US usually take around four years to complete.

Over the duration of a Bachelor’s Communications degree, students are expected to learn and be able to apply the established communications theories by developing the technical skills required to work in a professional setting. In the first year of their studies, students learn predominantly how media and communication influences cultures, societies and people’s identities. Optional modules may introduce them to professional communication, journalism, documentary, film-making, marketing, etc. In addition to the introductory topics, this degree allows students to learn about more complex areas of communications such as interpersonal relations, brand management and linguistics at a later stage. For instance, the second and third years enable students to get a deeper understanding of theoretical concepts related to media and culture and develop practical skills in research and communications. Additionally, students may have the opportunity to take optional modules and pursue their interests in different areas related to Communications such as gender, race, youth, culture, digital media, political communication, public relations, etc.

The most common duration of a Master’s degree in Communications is between 1 and 2 years depending on the mode of study (full-time or part-time) and country.

PhD and MPhil degrees in Communications require students to dedicate anywhere between 3 and 6 years to their studies depending on the mode and country of study.

7 Student Reviews

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  • Digital Media
    Digital media course

    I cannot express an opinion about the whole university but I can talk about my course.
    I am a Digital Media student in my third year and I have to say that my course is not well structured: the subjects changed during the course of the module ending up having half of the fun stuffs we were supposed to have; we just used each Adobe program once and mastered none.
    I also don’t feel well prepared to deal with the real working world.
    Overall I wouldn’t recommend this university for this course.

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    Programme: Digital Media
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2023
    Delivery Type: Blended
    Campus: London
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  • Digital Media
    London Met Review

    I’m a third year student at London Metropolitan University and I can proudly admit that my experience here has been a good one so far. The lecturers are extremely helpful, colleagues are friendly and easy to work with, the campus is basically well equipped with anything you may need in order to finish your studies. I certainly recommend this University to the future students, amazing choice!

    View more
    Programme: Digital Media
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2023
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: London
    Career Prospects
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  • Media, Film ...
    and Television
    London met

    Very good university, professional lectors, very good environment to grow your skills to follow your career, in film production we have a massive studio with the most advanced Digital stuff that you can find in every professional studio around of city of London.

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    Programme: Media, Film and Television
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2023
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: London
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  • Communication and ...
    Overall Good Experience

    I had an overall good experience at London Met. I was studying Media and Communications where I had the opportunity to study various sides of media through our modules. I could study media history, TV programmes or photography through the same course, which helped me find out which aspect of the media I was more interested in.
    I also had the opportunity to work for the university through Met temps. I could do various part time jobs to earn a little extra money without clashing with my studies.
    The building is modern, cleaned and we, as students, can have access to macs, computers, laptops and even film equipment.
    The reason why I’m not giving 5 stars is because I found that some of the classes’ content weren’t very useful because most of the tutors only read the powerpoint slides without adding anything new. As a result, I often missed some classes and only worked on my assignments. But apart from that, most of the practical classes were very interesting to follow. So if you’re looking for a course in media and communications, I highly recommend studying at London Met, as this course covers many sides of the media.

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    Programme: Communication and Media
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2020
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: London
    Career Prospects
    Student Life
  • Communication and ...
    Student life

    Good course and an interesting subject. The University campus was brilliant. The university was essential for my personal development and made all the difference in my career after, it was the chapter to make me creative and focused.

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    Programme: Communication and Media
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2022
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: London
    Career Prospects
    Student Life
  • Journalism
    Great lecturers and support

    I’ve spent three wonderful years at London Met. The best part of my degree was the lecturers. They were experts in the field I was studying and very passionate about teaching. They gave me plenty of support and help from day zero. I managed to put into practice everything I have learnt in class thanks to workshops, assignments and events. I gave 3 stars for the career prospects because I graduated during the Covid outbreak and it was really difficult at that time to find a job

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    Programme: Journalism
    Degree: Bachelor's
    Graduation: 2020
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: London
    Career Prospects
    Student Life
  • MA Digital ...

    My course is quite exciting!! The lecturers engage with us as students and encourage participation in all classes. Information and assistance with anything is always within reach. The learning facilities are well advanced and up to date. I’m loving my experience!

    View more
    Programme: MA Digital Media
    Degree: Master's
    Graduation: 2022
    Delivery Type: On Campus
    Campus: London
    Career Prospects
    Student Life

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