Student review [11519] for Koc University

Student review [#11519] for Chemical and Biological Engineering
at Koc University

Istanbul, Turkey
Chemical and ...
Biological Engineering
30 Jul, 2019
Büşra Öykü
Büşra Öykü
Great Environment and Research Opportunities

Campus is little far away from the city center but the environment is amazing. Relationship with instructors is really easy. University provides a mentor and an advisor from the related faculty for every student, starting from day one. They can help you to gain information about your education, career, schedule, internship etc. Also, you can easily consult to other instructors whenever you want. There is a program called ‘work and study’, in which you can work in the laboratories, researches, administrative departments of your interest with a little payment. You can gain a lot of experience and responsibility during that program. Also, you have a chance to be a part of instructors’ founded researches such as tissue engineering, biological clock, polymer science, fuel cells and sustainable development etc.

Opened area elective course number is low per semester and number of instructors should be increased. Students demanding some of the core and elective courses a lot but administration still can not manage to foresee this. Enrollment is the hardest time for students since you are trying to find the right person/department to solve a problem and usually everyone pushes you to another place.

Programme: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Istanbul, Turkey
Career Prospects
Student Life
July 7, 2020

Hi I am considiering join Koc University, howevrer I am worried about the Filming program not being strong enoug. Can you please help convince me or gives reasonsas to why I would kjoin this school?

September 30, 2020

I am considering Koç University, but i’m worried about the accreditation. So may you please tell me if it’s accredited in Europe and other regions. And will I graduate w
ith a strong degree ( as in is it considered a good university in other countries than turkey? )

September 23, 2021

How is the medicine in KOC university, is it accredited and well ranked in the gulf?


Reply to @Nassrin

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